My intention is to omit the word “busy” from my vocabulary. I have gotten much better but I still find myself using that word on occasion due to habit. This is a common word that most people use quite regularly....
Gratitude is so powerful! It has picked me up when I’ve been down and instantaneously flipped my perspective. It has opened my heart up. It is not just an intellectual concept though, it’s something that you feel. It is so...
“Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power”. -Lao Tzu It is always me vs. myself. Period. In a way, society has set us up to focus on being better than others. We are taught “may the best man...
I agree that “the eyes are a window to the soul”. I have actually participated in a few workshops where I have had to stare into strangers eyes for a few minutes, without talking. Wow, it was intense every time! ...
“Being alone has a power that very few people can handle.” -Steven Aitchison The concept of being alone is something that I have reflected on a lot during different situations in my life, including the quarantine. I used to think...
“True belonging is a spiritual practice, and it’s about the ability to find sacredness in both being a part of something but also the courage to stand alone”. -Brené Brown I have often experienced the feeling of NOT belonging. I...
If there is only ONE thing I could emphasize to you, it would be this: your mind and body are connected. This means that stress, fear, anger, sadness, frustration, anxiety, etc. affects your body too. Maybe you feel this as tightness...
Hello! I wanted to take a moment to check in with you, and see how you are doing. It has been a long time since my last post and so much has happened since then, including an unexpected pandemic! We...
Happy New Year to my fellow health warriors! I hope you had a joyous holiday and wish you abundance, happiness, peace, and health for the coming year ahead. I am a firm believer in regularly setting goals throughout the year, but there definitely is something inspiring about...